Monday, September 30, 2013

The Mission of Mission SD

So most of you by now have heard in some way about our "New Location".  Seasons come and go in this adventure called "Church Planting" and the season has changed yet again.  But has the Mission?  We speak highly of things like "DNA", Style, Culture, and diversity.  But what about Mission?

The Mission of God has always been the same.  He seeks to reconcile man to himself.  He runs after us.  Calling us to Himself.  Reaching out beyond our failures and approaching us with all of the Love imaginable. So with that - our Mission should be much the same, right?

Mission SD has at it's core 3 basic principles that we hope to follow and implement.

  1. We want to know and show the Heart of The Father.
  2. We want to be a truly relational community.
  3. We want to be equipped and we want to be equipping.  
As simple as it sounds - that's it.  There you have it.  Each of these three points can stand alone.  Alone, however, each point is incomplete.  We believe with our whole being that without any one of these elements functioning in our corner of the universe we are incomplete.  What's you thoughts?

Along the way we are sure to learn a lot about the city God has called us to love and be an integral part of.  Would you like to join with us in this adventure?  We would love to have you.  

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