Sunday, October 27, 2013

Calling? What's my calling?

Buckle up - here is today's sermon.  This one should change your life. 

Here is our great failure in understanding what a calling is.  A calling is rooted in DNA.  It's at the very heart of who Jesus is in you.  Instead though, we think that our calling is at the heart of who we are to the world.  You somehow believe that your "calling" is about the impact that you will have on this earth - it's not.  It's about the impact that Christ has had on you.

So What's a calling then?

So let's define that for a moment.  What's "calling"?  In the fullest sense of the word...... What does it mean to be "called" into something?  I'm not ever sure that's an accurate description of what we should be saying.

I will tell you what I mean - for years and years I heard people telling me that the Lord was calling me "into" ministry.  Like I was waiting for some audible voice - telling me what to do with my life.  Time and life have changed that perspective for me.  I now simply believe that he is just calling the ministry "out" of me.  

Every day - again and again, He has to call it out.  He was speaking to what was there all along.  Not so much trying to perform some miracle of transformation on me that takes me from sweaty floor guy - to Pastor all of the sudden. To many people are waiting on that sort of a transformation.    

Instead I think that God always had that purpose destined in me (just as He does you).  IN ME.  ALREADY IN ME.   I didn't really need to step into my calling as much as I needed to get out of the way of it.  Everything after that just becomes a matter of obedience - not to a calling, but to a Savior.  Simple. 

1 comment:

Duke said...

I think this might be the best explanation of 'calling' I've seen. I agree... its calling out something that has always been there.