Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Experience - The Master of All assumptions......

What's your most heartbreaking encounter with religion in your life?  Has that bent your perspective on what could be?  Or did it cement your perspective on what is?  Just wondering out loud here - but it seems that our experiences do indeed shape us.  This is very interesting to me.

If your experiences of church formed your opinion of it - then what are you doing to effect that if anything?  An even larger question would be this - Is there any other area in your life that you would give up so easily on that is so impacting?  Shouldn't we take the negative and learn from it to create a positive?  Like I said, we are taught to do that in every other area of our lives.  Relationships in particular seem to work this way.

Right - lets say you have been in a committed relationship for some time and that relationship comes to an end. Heart ache to be sure.  BUT weren't there things that you learned about yourself and what you prefer in a soul mate that you will now apply to all future endeavors?  You see - you don't simply trash the whole thing do you?  Even if most of it was a bad experience you still take some lessons from it, apply those lessons, and move on to the next thing.  My question is simple.  Why do we treat church any differently?  We all have had "bad relationships" with the church at times.... but why would we get out of the game altogether though?  It would seem to make more sense to jump in even further and do things differently....right?  Unless of course, we are just looking to excuse ourselves from being in relationship with anyone at all........

Just a musing or two for the heck of it......

These are the questions that keep me up at night.  You are welcome to comment on the craziness that spins around in my head :)

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